Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Honesty and Integrity of Public Officials

Every citizen of Giles County and Pulaski needs to watch this video detailing a public official, who is running for re-election, giving a false statement to the police. The entire interview with the police is available in "Part 2- Tall Tale by Vicky" available to view here. In addition more evidence which contradicts Vicky Harwell's statements to the police may be found in the full video below. Much of the evidence presented is in the public record along with the police interview.

You may watch the entire video below and see some of the reasons many businesses do not want to locate in Pulaski and Giles County along with much evidence contradicting Vicky Harwell's false statements to the police along with her relationship to the District Attorney. Much of the evidence can be found in the public record along with her police interview.

Check back as there is more to come, and most of it will be taken from public record.